Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Yay! I can't even say how long I've wanted to make a blog, and particularly a fashion blog, but now I can finally say I did it (not like it was that hard to create one). As a fashion retailing major, it would be an understatement to say I love the world of fashion. I adore it. I'm obsessed. And while most people spend laptop time on Facebook and Twitter, I spend the majority of mine looking at every fashion magazine website and blog I can find.

I have never been able to find one fashion blog where I love every single thing on it, so I decided what better way than to create my own where every post is something I love?

So for now, I'm just trying to figure this whole blog thing out-- I really want to make a cool header & background but I have no clue how so I'm gonna get on that. As for all the fashion content, I'm going to be posting things that inspire me or that I just flat out love like fashion spreads, magazine ads, pages on other blogs, celebrity red carpet looks, and anything else I get my hands on :)

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