Monday, May 30, 2011

She's Just Being Miley

If you know me, you knew it was coming. And you really don't even have to know me well enough because I usually make my love/obsession/whateveryouwannacallit pretty apparent on a daily basis. Just ask my roommate. And my sister. And all my friends. Oh, and I'm talking about Miley Cyrus by the way. And you will probably be seeing a lot more of her on my blog, now that the awkwardness of my obsession is out in the open. It feels good.

Aside from her personality, hilariousness, and the fact that we would be best friends if I just happened to live in LA and happened to be famous (realistic goals), I absolutely love her style. I'm not talking about her 2006-2007 Hannah Montana blonde streaky highlights and Hollister sweatshirt days (we've all wandered down that road before). I'm talking about the last two years. She has her own style when she's not being dressed for events and red carpets. She sets her own trends, and wears what she wants to wear. Not affected by what people will say the next day.
And I love that she has bad days.
Everyone has bad days.

These are just a few of my favorites from the past year, but trust me when I say few.. I mean it. Obviously I could post 2,000 pictures but that would only be beneficial for me, so I'll refrain.
I just love the little bit of edge she adds to every outfit while still staying feminine.

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